Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Monday, April 30, 2018


Here is a list of additional resources:







I created the infographic for how to avid some of the issues that a teacher may face when intoducing PBL in their classrom. By creating this infographic I was able to deepen my understanding of PBL pitfalls and how to avoid them. By attaching an image to the words my brain was able to file the information away in two different places making it easier to retrieve and then use the information.

I believe using infographics in the classroom will help my students grasp complex concepts and by letting them create their own they are taking ownership of their learning and deeping their understanding of a topic.



Disciplinary Text-Sets 

I have created a list of six different texts that will provide information on how to use PBL in the classroom to improve student engagement. The texts that I have chosen have a civics component because of my interest in preparing students to be informed citizens. It is my hope that these links will be of service to other teachers who are interested using PBL in their Social Studies classes. 

How Can PBL Motivate Students Even Further?

Common elements in PBL that make it a successful teaching tool. This article gives 3 elements that are necessary to get students engaged and produce quality work. 

Engaging Students through PBL-Syracuse Central School Board
The article is good because it gives examples of PBL lesson plans, video and points on how /why PBL can change a class around. 

Twenty Tips for Managing PBL-Edutopia
These tips are; strategies which can help you ensure that all students work towards amazing PBL projects and other assessments in your classroom.

Five Keys to Rigorous Project-Based Learning
This video is super. It addresses what a PBL learning must have to be challenging, rigorous and gets students involved in things happening in their community, country or globally-they learn to be good citizens. It also shows how teachers can teach students how to take ownership of their learning. 

The following links are very helpful for teachers new to PBL:

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Who I am & Where I Am Going

Where I Am, and Where I Want To Go

Image result for student engagementAs I mentioned in my first blog I am interested in student enagement in the learning process. What I know about student engagement is that students that are engaged in the learning proces have better school experiences, higher GPAs, graduate and go onto higher educatuion anf have lower incedents of poor behavior in the classroom. Engagement promotes connections to higher learning, critical thinking and civic engagement. Essentially, student enagement is the key to students success in school and in life. 

I am spefically interested in Project Based Learning (PBL) which incorporates projects that have real-world applications. PBL prepares students for the real world by asking them to solve real problems or answer complex problems while working cooperatively with their peers. PBL helps students get ready to take on the challeges they will face as adults. 
Problem-Based Learning Flow

Buck Institute for Education

Cornell University

Magnify Learning

CCprepares students for academic, personal, and career success, and readies young people to rise to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inher

Project Based Learning (PBL) prepares students for academic, personal, and career success, and readies young people to rise to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit

Project Based Learning (PBL) prepares students for academic, personal, and career success, and readies young people to rise to the challenges of their lives and the world they will inherit

Welcome to my professional blog

Hey Y'all,
I am Johna Schoenherr a graduate student at UNM at the COE. I am working on my master's degree in Secondary Ed with a focus in Social Studies. I am currently student teaching at Highland HS in Albuquerque. In my Professional Development paper for EDUC 595-Teaching Seminar my focus is on engaging students by utilizing PBL (project based learning) assignments and connecting the content to today's world.Image result for student engagement

Six Things Faculty Can Do to Promote Student Engagement

Designing Engaging Assignments


This is the link to my SlideShare presentation on using PBL in the classroom. https://www.slideshare.net/secret/3MqSNfCcBQsxhM ...